Spatial variation of PM elemental composition between and within 20 European study areas - Results of the ESCAPE project.


Tsai MY, Hoek G, Eeftens M, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Beregszászi T, Cesaroni G, Cirach M, Cyrys J, De Nazelle A, de Vocht F, Ducret-Stich R, Eriksen K, Galassi C, Gražuleviciene R, Gražulevicius T, Grivas G, Gryparis A, Heinrich J, Hoffmann B, Iakovides M, Keuken M, Krämer U, Künzli N, Lanki T, Madsen C, Meliefste K, Merritt AS, Mölter A, Mosler G, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Pershagen G, Phuleria H, Quass U, Ranzi A, Schaffner E, Sokhi R, Stempfelet M, Stephanou E, Sugiri D, Taimisto P, Tewis M, Udvardy O, Wang M, Brunekreef B.


Environ Int 2015; 84: 181-92. (IF 5.559)


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