The influence of smoking, age and stage at diagnosis on the survival after larynx, hypopharynx and oral cavity cancers in Europe: The ARCAGE study.


Abrahão R, Anantharaman D, Gaborieau V, Abedi-Ardekani B, Lagiou P, Lagiou A, Ahrens W, Holcatova I, Betka J, Merletti F, Richiardi L, Kjaerheim K, Serraino D, Polesel J, Simonato L, Alemany L, Agudo Trigueros A, Macfarlane TV, Macfarlane GJ, Znaor A, Robinson M, Canova C, Conway DI, Wright S, Healy CM, Toner M, Cadoni G, Boccia S, Gheit T, Tommasino M, Scelo G, Brennan P.


Int J Cancer 2018; 143: 32-44. (IF 7.36)

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