A risk prediction model for head and neck cancers incorporating lifestyle factors, HPV serology and genetic markers.


Budhathoki S, Diergaarde B, Liu G, Olshan A, Ness A, Waterboer T, Virani S, Basta P, Bender N, Brenner N, Dudding T, Hayes N, Hope A, Huang SH, Hueniken K, Kanterewicz B, McKay JD, Pring M, Thomas S, Wisniewski K, Thomas S, Brhane Y, Agudo A, Alemany L, Lagiou A, Barzan L, Canova C, Conway DI, Healy CM, Holcatova I, Lagiou P, Macfarlane GJ, Macfarlane TV, Polesel J, Richiardi L, Robinson M, Znaor A, Brennan P, Hung RJ.


Int J Cancer 2023; 152: 2069-2080. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34444. Epub 2023 Feb 1. PMID: 36694401 (IF 6.4)


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