Fish and seafood consumption during pregnancy and the risk of asthma and allergic rhinitis in childhood: a pooled analysis of 18 European and US birth cohorts.


Stratakis N, Roumeliotaki T, Oken E, Ballester F, Barros H, Basterrechea M, Cordier S, de Groot R, den Dekker HT, Duijts L, Eggesbø M, Pia Fantini M, Forastiere F, Gehring U, Gielen M, Gori D, Govarts E, Inskip HM, Iszatt N, Jansen M, Kelleher C, Mehegan J, Moltó-Puigmartí C, Mommers M, Oliveira A, Olsen SF, Pelé F, Pizzi C, Porta D, Richiardi L, Rifas-Shiman SL, Robinson SM, Schoeters G, Strøm M, Sunyer J, Thijs C, Vrijheid M, Vrijkotte TG, Wijga AH, Kogevinas M, Zeegers MP, Chatzi L.


Int J Epidemiol 2017; 46: 1465-1477. (IF 7.738)

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