Geographic heterogeneity in the prevalence of human papillomavirus in head and neck cancer.


Anantharaman D, Abedi-Ardekani B, Beachler DC, Gheit T, Olshan AF, Wisniewski K, Wunsch-Filho V, Toporcov TN, Tajara EH, Levi JE, Moyses RA, Boccia S, Cadoni G, Rindi G, Ahrens W, Merletti F, Conway DI, Wright S, Carreira C, Renard H, Chopard P, McKay-Chopin S, Scelo G, Tommasino M, Brennan P, D'Souza G.


Int J Cancer 2017; 140: 1968-1975. (IF 6.513)

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